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From 4,21

Roasted Arabica Coffee Bean coated with dark chocolate and cocoa powder

Roasted COFFEE BEAN coated with dark chocolate and cocoa

This chocolate combines the strength and bitterness of a real roasted Arabica coffee bean, and the sweetness of a fine dark chocolate covering, all powdered with cocoa.

A treat for chocolate-crunchy coffee lovers.

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Ingrediënten: couverture pure chocolade: 91% (cacaomassa, suiker, cacaoboter, emulgator: sojalecithine, natuurlijk vanillearoma), gebrande koffiebonen: 6%, cacaopoeder. May contain traces of: nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, milk.
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100g : valeur énergétique 522kCal (2182 kJ) – matières grasses 35g (dont acides gras saturés 20g) – glucides 45g (dont sucres 20g) – protéines 7g – sel 0.3g

Weight 110 g

110g bag, 110g Easter bag, 110g Christmas Bag, 220g bag, 220g Easter bag, 220g Christmas Bag, 80g ballotin

SKU: 01-061 Categories: , ,